James Dream Darkness and Light

Recorded on Aug 29, 2013
Video information
Model Name: James Dream
Category: Gay
Length: 5:53
Views: 795
Reviews: 0 reviews
Description: Hello there. This is me. This is me in aprivate chat. rnYou'll see me getting some body worshiprnYou'll see me doing some foot work. You might like what you see.rnrnStranger: mm okayrnrnYou: ok what?rnrnStranger: is it bad if i just straivht up say thag im hornyrnStranger: thTrnStranger: thatrnrnYou: nope not at all ;)rnrnStranger: ohhhh ok ;) goood.rnrnYou: so what do u have in mind?rnrnStranger: anythinggg. i wanna talk dirty :rnStranger: ;)rnrnYou: ok thenrnYou: do u have any fantasies? ;)rnrnStranger: 8rnStranger: my bad. it doesnt matter reallyrnrnYou: so do u want to just start?rnrnStranger: i mean sure haha you can go first, youre in charge ;)rnrnYou: ok. i grab u and kiss you passionatelyrnYou: touching you all overrnrnStranger: mm id like fhatrnStranger: thatrnrnYou: i then start to kiss your neckrnYou: and take off your shirtrnYou: then i start massaging your breastsrnrnStranger: mmmmm


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